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Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!

release time:2016-01-19 |Author:admin |Reading:169Times
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On the morning of November 19, 2016, with the completion of the pouring of the last tank of concrete, the construction of the Jiangsu Beiren New Factory Project was successfully capped, marking the completion of the main civil works of the project.
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
Sketch map of welcome and office areas in the new plant
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
Schematic diagram of the plant area of the new plant
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
Beiren new factory area, in the future, you can drink coffee and play tennis in the sky garden!
The capping project of the new plant can be successfully completed with good quality, and it is inseparable from the cooperation of the participating units. Jiangsu Beiren would like to thank all the project personnel who have worked hard for the construction of the new plant and relevant people from all walks of life who have given their concern and support.
The new plant has a construction area of 25,500 square meters, including a single-storey factory building, a double-storey factory building and a 5-storey office building. It is expected to be put into use in the first half of 2017. Looking forward to a new starting point, Jiangsu Beiren Robot will provide customers with more professional, comprehensive and convenient services.
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