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On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight

release time:2016-10-03 |Author:admin |Reading:199Times
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The National Day holiday is coming to an end. What are your friends doing during the National Day holiday?
          Sun food like this?
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   Travel this way?
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   Of course there should be sunburn……
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   The circles around them are basking in happiness, but the Beiren have such a group of people who only build workstations to grab time and ensure quality. They lay down their homes and care for everyone, give up long vacations, give up accompanying family members, and insist on fighting at work. No complaints of fearless hardships……
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   Kun Ge, Director of Operations, eat fast food with everyone to celebrate the birthday of the motherland
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   Fighting the scene, the completion of quality and quantity
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
On the National Day, you eat, play, and fight
   For the 7-day National Day Golden Week holiday, Bei people who are still busy at the project site said that they all know it is National Day,“But the main thing is to do a good job of the client, and to continue the good reputation of the Beiren”,The answer is simple. For this momentum, we give you a compliment, you have worked hard!
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